The Snatch Back

Operation #SnatchBack is the recalling of my mind, my soul, my body and my life.

There was a girl I knew once called Yomi. She was lively, lovely and lush… I miss her. I find that the girl I am now is tired, unable to focus, slightly anxious and always preparing for disappointment.

But today I declare No more!!!

I read a book somewhere that talked about the violent taking it by force. Well I am officially declaring war.

War is a series of battles. You may not win every battle but I will surely win this war. Over the next 70 days I am going to strategically lay siege, infiltrate the enemy camp, fight and utterly destroy my enemies; fatigue, lethargy, procrastination, fear, and the worst of them all … The Jelly Belly!!!!

The Plan

NO war was ever won by running straight in, head first, no plan, no thought, no strategy.

I should know. This is not my first declaration of war against the fat. I have faced this formidable foe many times but this time is different. I’m actually going to win. What’s the difference, you ask. I have a plan… I also have a squad…

Some one said if you can conquer your emotions, your desire for food and sex, you can conquer the world.  Honestly not really trying to curb my appetite for sex… I think an abundance of it will definitely not harm the cause, I digress…

Before I can subdue my body, I realise I need to conquer my mind. I have horrible eating habits. I go all day long on nothing… I honestly mean nothing and then eat super late and crash on the couch. BUT, as soon as I decide to fight the flab, I wake up aching for food, I spend the whole day just fantasising about things I don’t even care about like bread.

It’s all in the mind. How do I conquer my mind?

Over the next 12 weeks, I am going to conquer my mind, body and soul.

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