April 2020

CC DAY 26: The Petty Master

Today I discovered my son is the master of petty. I decided I needed to get out for a bit, so to lure him out I said we should go play football. He got his trainers and started putting them on “Woah buddy!!! Where are you socks?” “Mummy, please get my socks.” I stared at […]

CC DAY 26: The Petty Master Read More »

CC DAY 20: The AC Police

Every time someone, anyone walks into a room, they turn the Air Conditioning off and it is doing my head in. The nannies and the father have convinced Henry he is allergic to air conditioning. Eddie cannot stand the heat. My husband’s uncle keeps complaining that it is too hot for the baby while his

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CC Day 12: The Arrest

Home: I spent the day sleeping.  I mean literally all day just sleeping. I woke up twice in the afternoon to breast feed. On one of my breast feeding wake up calls, I was drawn into the torture of a Dove Media movie. Any movie that makes Mount Zion movies look like Oscar quality is

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CC Day 11: Frustration!

Home: I am tired and agitated. When I woke up this morning I felt like a king. I was on schedule with my breast feeding. I and the children were bathed, dressed and fed all before 10 am, considering I didn’t go to bed till 2 am this morning. So it’s ‘Table Time’. That time

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CC DAY 4: I’m a Crap Mum

Home: I know I am my own worst critique and today, I judged the hell out of myself. I woke up this morning feeling anxious. I felt like I was missing something and I could not put my finger on it. I turned on my phone, checked my messages and then decided to find out

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