CC Day 77: Lockdown Barber

With the international events over the past few weeks, one can be forgiven for forgetting about the lock down. Today I was reminded again that indeed we are still locked down.

I walked into the room and found him sitting on the bed naked with a towel across his lap. My heart skipped a beat. I guess my services are required. Without him speaking I was already acting coy. I pretended to back out slowly so he could beg me to come back. He knows the game, I play it well. As I cracked the door open he called out, “Yomi, come back here.” I walked back in and aloof I asked “what’s up?”. “I don’t care what you say, you’re cutting my hair today.” “Erm, why don’t you..” I started, but before I could finish, “You know what, let me just call my barber.” “Calm down. I will cut it, after breakfast calm down”.

It was a stalling tactic. We promised to have breakfast with my parents so I knew if we stayed over long enough, we’d get home too late to do this dreaded cut.

After breakfast, I sat back, well done my little genius, I thought to myself. “Yom, I’m waiting for you on the balcony”. “For what?” I asked. “To cut my hair”. Lord have mercy.

This man brought his barbing kit with him. Who does that? Why is this man trying to create drama where there doesn’t need to be? We’re getting along so well. One mis-swipe and he’ll have the hairline of a sumo wrestler. I just want us to be happy. I like him looking like a brown bear. My very own Yogi bear.

My dad turned to his wife and asked her “will you cut my hair too?”, without hesitation she replied “sure!” Looks like it’s going to be an interesting afternoon.

Slowly I walked to the balcony. He was seated, cape on, ready. He showed me the clippers, explained how the numbered blade covers work and then told me to go for the gold. I took a deep breath and got into character. “Good afternoon Sa. How is family.” I turned on the blade and went for the gold. I actually didn’t do a bad job. Henry boo halfway through his dad’s cut started circling me, asking when it would be his turn.

Once I was done with the man, the boy sat down and his dad said he would cut his hair. I handed over the clippers and stepped back. “Ouch, that hurts! I want mommy to cut my hair.” Head swelling like balloon. My heart welled up with pride. Since the arrival of Eddie, Henry has consistently chosen his dad over me and honestly it hurts because I used to be his number one. With false humility I stepped up and reclaimed the clippers. I worked my magic, I even gave my baby a fade. So freaking proud of myself. What!!! I’m thinking of starting my own children’s salon after this lock down.

When I was done, all three of us were covered in hair. (Now I understand why barbers wear doctor’s coats or those mini kimono things.) So we all had to take showers. While cutting Bae’s hair, the parents had gone in to chat so I assumed when I was done cutting, my mum would cut my dad’s hair. After taking a shower, I walked into the living room and found my dad sitting with my mum. “I thought you were going to cut my hair.” I stared at him confused. “I have been waiting for you”. He continued impatiently. “Oh right, erm, give me 2 minutes, I’ll be right with you.” Blessed assurance, I just took a shower. Lord have mercy. I had to source an old shirt to use as a coat for myself and then went back to the balcony.

I’m on a high right now. I finished cutting dad’s hair and he was so chuffed. He even felt bad for his barber because now he has me!!! My dad hates all things DIY, yet he kept telling my mum how well I did!!! I cut my husband’s hair, my son’s hair and my father’s hair. As a family, we chatted on the balcony and just in my father’s words “chilled”. It was a really nice day. Considering last night, I had one of my deep cave moments (depression), I’m sitting here just grateful for the joy I felt just being useful and appreciated.

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